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The Sap Son

In Uncategorized on April 4, 2009 at 1:56 am

The Sap Son

Those other souls from the Underworld kept you too long
and look at how hard it is to breathe above water, suffocating
for swimming too close to the edge, Hold on!
I’m here still beside you to show you the way.

If you stay in place too long the trees will split
their branches open wide to contain your beauty
so that those women don’t fight for your attention
Love and Death fed you by their breasts, and see?

It was inevitable that your blood would spill
between your passion and your rage
during that time of year you were left alone
All the while, they were in the next room.

Beauty had a price now didn’t it?
And floating between the two worlds
drowning and floating and drowning and floating
all the while they keep looking on for you to return to them

In paintings since, they show you always suffering
the angst is what they want to remember
for beauty was not what they would relate to you by
and so they re-enact the suffering so well known to them

Take a cue from Pandora, my love
for when she opened her box, the entire world fell over
pieces of her reflected back what they couldn’t bare to see and
failed to hold onto, Hope.

Close the chest you just crawled out from Adonis.

FNA-April 2009adonis